Section 1 The name of the organization shall be the Windsor Hill Civic Association, Incorporated.
Section 2 The purpose of the Association shall be to promote the safety, advance the interest of
and foster the excellence of Windsor Hill Subdivision of Dorchester County, South Carolina as a place of residence;
to represent the homeowners of the subdivision in negotiations in matters affecting all or a significant group of
homeowners; and to represent the homeowners in negotiations with county, state or local governments pertaining to the
overall welfare and best interests of the subdivision and its association of members and residents.
Section 1 Qualifications: Only persons, firms, or companies owning real property in the Windsor Hill
Subdivision shall be eligible to become a member. Where two or more persons are the joint owners of real property in Windsor Hill
Subdivision or a couple, they shall be considered as a single member with one (1) vote. Any corporation owning real property in
Windsor Hill Subdivision, shall be considered a single member with one (1) vote for each property. Only members in good standing
shall be entitled to vote. Whenever a member shall cease to own real property in Windsor Hill subdivision, such member shall
automatically be dropped from the roll of the Association.
Section 2 Members: A member shall have no vested right, interest or privilege of, in, or to the assets,
functions, affairs or franchises of the corporation, or any right, interest or privilege which may be transferable or inheritable,
or which shall continue after the membership cease, or while he/she/it is not in good standing.
Section 3 Manner of Admission: Every person or entity who
acquires title to any real property in Windsor Hill Subdivision
is eligible to become a member of the Association, subject to and
bound by its Charter, By-Laws, rules and regulations.
Section 4 Associate Membership: Tenants residing within the
Windsor Hill Subdivision can become Associate members of the
Association upon payment by the homeowner of yearly dues to the
Windsor Hill Parkway Association. Tenants will pay yearly dues
to the Windsor Hill Civic Association for membership. Associate
members may not hold elective office but may hold appointive
office and serve on committees in pertinent matters. Associate
members may vote in the General Election.
Section 5 Benefits, Rights, Duties, and Responsibilities: All
benefits, rights, duties, and responsibilities of membership, as
determined by the membership and made effective by vote of a
majority of members, accrue to any regular or associate member
except as modified by Article II, Section 4.
Section 6 Termination of Membership: Whenever any member shall
cease to have all the qualifications necessary for admission to
membership in the Association, then such membership shall
Section 7 Member in Good Standing: A member is in good standing
when all Windsor Hill Parkway Association and Windsor Hill Civic
Association charges, late charges, liens, or judgements are paid
in full and not declared delinquent.
Section 1 Executive Officers: The Executive Officers of the
Association shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and
Treasurer. They will be the administrative body of the
Association. The President and other officers shall be elected
annually by the Board of Governors, hereafter sometimes referred
to as the Board. They shall take office immediately after the
election. The election of officers will take place at the first
regular meeting after the election of the new Board members with
both the outgoing and incoming members entitled to vote.
Section 2 The President: The President shall be the Chief
Executive Officer (CEO) of the corporation and shall perform such
duties as may be assigned by the Board. He or she shall be an
ex-officio member of all committees. The President shall attend
all meetings of the Board of Governors and in case of a tie vote
the President can cast a tie breaking vote.
Section 3 The Vice-President: The Vice-President shall have such
power and perform such duties as may be assigned by the President
or the Board of Governors. In case of the absence or the
disability of the President, the duties of that office shall be
performed by the Vice-President. The Vice-President vacancy
shall be temporarily filled by the Board of Governors until an
election can be held. The Vice-President will act as Membership
Chairman and Information Director for the Association. As
Membership Chairman the Vice-President shall issue a copy of the
Constitution and By-Laws to new members.
Section 4 The Secretary: The Secretary shall keep the minutes of
all proceedings for all joint meetings with the Executive
Officers and the Board. He/she shall in general perform all the
duties incident to the office of Secretary, subject to the
control of the President or the Board. The Secretary shall be
responsible for all correspondence of the Association.
Section 5 The Treasurer: The Treasurer shall have the duties of
establishing and controlling the checking account, collecting all
dues, and shall receive all revenues of the Association from
every source and deposit same. The Treasurer shall pay all
monies for which appropriation has been made and shall issue
receipts for all cash monies received. Two signatures will be
required on all checks issued, with Treasurer, President, and
Vice-President on the signature card. A set of approved books
shall be maintained and shall be open for audit. The Treasurer
shall render a report at every meeting. He/she shall perform
such other duties as may from time to time be assigned by the
President or the Board, and if required by the Board shall obtain
a bond for the faithful discharge of the duties in such sum as
the Board may require. The Treasurer shall notify the Vice-
President upon receipt of dues from a new member so the Vice-
President can issue a copy of the Constitution and By-Laws.
Section 1 Number of Members: The business and affairs of this
corporation shall be managed by a Board of Governors, which shall
consist of seven members. In the event there are new
subdivisions developed, the number of the members on the Board of
Governors shall be increased to include a Board Member from the
new section at such time as the new section has more than twenty
(20) homes which are occupied.
Section 2 Chairman of the Board: The Board of Governors shall
select from their number, a Chairman of the Board who shall act
as the liaison between the Board and the President.
Section 3 Regular Meetings: The Board shall meet for the
transaction of business at such place as may be designated from
time to time.
Section 4 Special Meetings: Special meetings of the Board of
Governors may be called by the President or by four members of
the Board for any time and place, provided reasonable notice of
such meetings shall be given to each member of the Board before
the time appointed for such meetings.
Section 5 Quorum: The Governors shall act only as a Board and
the individual Governors shall have no power as such. A majority
of the Governors for the time being in office shall constitute a
quorum for the transaction of business, but a majority of those
present at the time and place of any regular or special meeting,
although less than a quorum, may adjourn the same from time to
time without notice until a quorum be on hand. The act of a
majority of the Governors present at any meeting at which there
is a quorum shall be the act of the Board of Governors, except as
may be otherwise provided by law. The By-Laws of the Association
may be suspended upon the majority vote of the Governors and the
majority of members president at the meeting.
Section 6 Order of Business: The Board of Governors may from
time to time determine the order of business at its meetings.
Section 7 Terms of Members of the Board: Members of the Board of
Governors shall be elected to serve for two years. To provide
continuity within the Board, normally four members will be
elected one year, and three members the next. However, should
vacancies occur during the year for any cause, the next election
held will be for that number required to bring the Board to its
authorized strength of seven. They shall be elected by the
members in good standing so as to take office at the start of the
fiscal year.
Section 8 Ex-Officio Members of the Board: The outgoing
President shall be requested to remain, when his/her term has
expired, as an ex-officio member, with no voting privileges, for
a period of one year.
Section 9 Annual Report: The Board of Governors, at the Annual
Meeting listed below, shall submit to the members of the
Association and its property and shall submit also an account of
the financial condition transactions of the year-to-date.
Section 10 Resignation: Whenever a Board member is unable to
perform his/her elected duties by virtue of transfer, health,
conflict of interest, or other cause, such member should submit a
letter of resignation to the Board citing the reason.
Section 11 Vacancies in Board: Whenever a vacancy in the
membership of the Board shall occur, the remaining members of the
Board shall have the power, by the majority vote, to select a
successor Governor to serve the unexpired tern of the vacancy.
Section 12 Removal from the Board: Should a Board member have
three (3) unexcused absences from the monthly Board meetings
during the calendar year, that member shall be asked to resign
from his/her position from the Board by a majority vote of the
quorum of the Board. A Board member is required to call in
advance the Chairman of the Board or the President if he/she is
unable to attend a meeting.
Section 13 Compensation: All Board members serve without
compensation for their services. Those expenditures made by any
member of the Board at the direction of the Board are
reimbursable by the Homeowners' Association and require that the
Board member retain and turn in to the Board's Treasurer all
receipts relative to the expenditure.
Section 14 Complaints: The Board of Governors will be
responsible for reviewing and documenting complaints from the
subdivision representatives. Upon receiving a complaint, three
members of the Board will go to the address and access the
complaint with pictures and documentation. The Board shall call
a meeting and address the problem and if they justify the
complaint the complaint shall be forwarded to the President.
The President will determine the validity of the complaint and
rule on the finality of the complaint. The Secretary will mail a
certified letter to the owner with a copy of the violation,
restriction, or compliance. The owner shall have five days upon
receiving the letter to correct the problem(s). The Board
members will then return to the address five days later to see if
the problem still exists. If not corrected the Dorchester Office
of Nuisance will be informed of the violation. If that office
cannot handle the problem then the Windsor Hill Civic Association
will place a judgement against the home. The owner of the home in
violation will be responsible for all court costs endured for not
following the covenants and restrictions of Windsor Hill Civic
Section 15 Tenants: If the property is occupied by a tenant, a
certified letter will also be mailed to the property management
office for violations.
Section 16 Representation: Each subdivision will have two
representatives to receive complaints and submit those to the
Board of Governors. It is preferred to receive those complaints
in writing. Anonymous complaints will be accepted. Please
remember these complaints are for those violating the Covenants,
and restrictions of Windsor Hill Civic Association. All other
problems are to be referred to the Dorchester Sheriff's
Section 1 Annual Meetings: There shall be a annual meeting of
the members of the corporation at such place as may be designated
on the second Tuesday in November of each year at 6:30 p.m., if
not a legal holiday under the laws of the State of South
Carolina. If it is a legal holiday, then the meeting will be on
the next succeeding business day, for the transaction of such
business as may come before the meeting. No notice shall be
required for such meeting.
Section 2 Special Meetings: Special meetings of the members of
the corporation shall be held whenever called by the Board of
Governors or by the holders of at least ten memberships in good
standing. Notice of each special meeting, stating the time,
place, and in general terms the purpose or purposes thereof,
shall be sent by mail to the last known address of all members at
least ten days prior to the meeting.
Section 3 Quorum: At any meeting of or election by the members
of the corporation, a quorum shall consist of those members in
good standing attending or voting, either in person or by proxy.
and a majority in amount of such quorum shall decide any
questions that may come before the meeting or of the election.
This is not meant to include those questions, which are
specifically mentioned in the restrictions of the corporation as
needing the vote of a majority of all homeowners of record. At
least ten percent (10%) of the members must be present at any
meeting to constitute a quorum.
Section 4 Proxy: Every member in good standing may cast one vote
either in person or by proxy, for each lot owned in fee simple by
that particular member solely or jointly, or by the corporation
owning the lot or lots of which he/she/it is a stockholder and
the number thereof. Absentee ballots may be obtained from the
Secretary one month before the election meeting. These must be
returned to the Secretary prior to the election meeting. Every
member in good standing may cast a vote, either in person or by
proxy, for each lot owned.
Section 1 Annual Windsor Hill Civic Association dues will be
fixed each year by the presiding Officers and approved by the Board of Governors. Payment is
due by the thirty first (31st) day of October each year. Persons acquiring home ownership on
or after the first (1st) day of November who wish to join the Association shall make a prorated
payment for the remainder of the fiscal year. Membership shall be received on an annual payment
only. Receipts will be issued on all payments.
Section 2 Written notice shall be given by the Treasurer before
the first day of February to each member stating that dues are
payable on or before March 31.
The Board of Governors shall not be liable or responsible for the
destruction or the loss of or damage to the property of any
member or the guest of any member, or visitor, or other persons.
Section 1 Standing committees shall be: Yard of the Month,
Hospitality, Newsletter, Historian, Architectural Review, Area
Section 2 The area of responsibility for each standing committee
are as follows:
Yard of the Month: Check homes in each subdivision weekly and the last
Wednesday of each month award the Home of the Month for the most
attractive lawn environment in that subdivision.
Hospitality: To welcome new members of our community to the
neighborhood. Offer our assistance and inform them of the
Association and its goals.
Newsletter: To submit a bi-monthly newsletter to inform all members
of new and old business the Association has.
Historian: Be responsible for recording the Association's progress
and development which will include pictures.
Architectural Review: Be responsible for reviewing any external construction
plans to make sure they comply with restrictions.
Area Improvement: Review areas in our neighborhood that may need extra help
for improvement, (cleanup, litter, signs, etc.).
All meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Parliamentary Law,
Robert's Rule of Order (Revised). At all meetings of the Association,
the order of business so far as the character and nature of the meeting will
admit shall be as follows:
1. Reading of the minutes of the last meeting and of special meeting held
subsequent thereto.
2. Introduction statements, questions and answers of special speakers and
3. Report of the Treasurer.
4. Report of Board of Governors through Secretary.
5. Report of Committees, standing and special.
6. Unfinished Business.
7. Amendments to By-Laws and Constitution, if any.
8. New Business
9. Election (if fall quarterly meeting).
10. Set date for next meeting and adjournment.
The Association may be dissolved at any time with the written
consent of not less than two-thirds of its members. After all obligations
have been fully discharged, its property and assets shall be contributed
to a charitable organization to be selected by the Board of Governors at
the time of dissolution.
Section 1 This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of members
present and voting at a regular or special meeting called for the
purpose, however, the proposed amendments must be embodied in the call for such meeting and mailed to each member at least two (2) weeks prior
to the date of said meeting.
Section 2 No amendment to the Constitution and By-Laws adopted by the
Association shall be effective until it has been approved by the Board of Governors of the Windsor Hill Civic Association.
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